Saturday, August 31, 2019

Education and Forthcoming English Olympiad

P. T. M. T. T. I MARUTHOORKONAM, BALARAMAPURAM Attention Students!!! ENGLISH OLYMPIAD-2012-13 P. T. M. T. T. I wishes to inform all teacher trainees the details of the forthcoming English Olympiad 2012 on 12th Dec 2012 at T. T. I Auditorium. Items for competition 1. Skit 2. Choreography 3. Book Review 4. Group discussion  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Details 1. A Skit of about 15 minutes can be staged by 10 participants. The dialogue, stage settings etc. hould be decided by the Trainees under the guidance of Teachers. Theme: Human Values 2. A poem composed by a student /a group of students of the school may be staged. Maximum 10 students can participate among whom not less than two students may be for recitation. Theme: Love. (Time. 10 Minutes) 3. Book Review.Three Books will be suggested for reading. The selected student can read the books and come prepared to answer the questions of the panel of judges. Time: 10 Minutes. Books will be informed. . Group Discussion. Time: 20 Minutes A group of ten trainees will be selected to participate in the discussion. G. D. Topic will be announced on the spot. Evaluation: All the items will be assessed based on the criteria in the English Source books. The decision of the judges will be final and may not be questioned. Please register the name and the participating items by 5th Nov 2012 to Smt. Sheeba Rani, Club Convener. Best of luck to all participants! R,Anu Krishnan, Teacher Educator.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Happiness in Marriage Essay

What changes did Sanger describe in married relations in recent generations? Marriage was synonymous with maternity. But the pain, the suffering, the wrecked lives of women and children that such a system caused, show us that it did not work successfully. Like all other professions, motherhood must serve its period of apprenticeship. What changes did Sanger hope would come about if unplanned pregnancies still occur in the United States? Sanger hoped if unplanned pregnancy could be prevented it would allow the husband and wife to become more stable before planning a decision of having a child. That in the end it would help them to support and afford proper care for the child. Do debates concerning birth control and unplanned pregnancies still occur in the U. S.? Yes debates still occur in the United States some churches still don’t recognize birth control and don’t allowed abortion. Are Sanger’s points still relevant and explain your decision? I would say yes, it’s still relevant because of high number of young adults having unplanned pregnancy without knowledge of the future and the risk of having a unborn child at a young age. How do Sanger’s views on marriage apply to today’s definition of ‘marriage’ (single parents, same sex parenting, and blended families). Sanger ‘s definition apply to a happy relationship between husband and wife, but for today society we have different types of parents some are in same sex, divorce and single parent who are just happy to have a children and do the responsibility of the parent even if the child is theirs or not, but for me I will not include the â€Å"OctoMom† Nadya Suleman on the single parenting because she cannot support those kids and now that it’s the tax payer’s money is suffering from her wrong doing.

Death of Stressman Essay

One of the factors that results in the rise of Hitler is the death of a capable leader that brought stability and prosperity back to Germany. This capable leader is known as Gustav Stressman . Stressman died of a heart attack on 3rd October 1929. On behalf of the Weimar government, Stressman had negotiated the Dawes and Young Plans for more time to pay reparations to the Allies. In 1925, he also helped to end the Ruhr occupation by French and Belgian troops which had begun in 1923 and signed the 1925 Locarno Pact with France and Britain, promising to respect Germany’s Western borders. Thus, Germany’s relations with her former enemies improved and Germany was even allowed to be a member of the League of Nations. Therefore the years between 1924 and 1929 is considered as a golden age for Germany. Since then, Germany’s economic recovery depended on US loans. This made Germany vulnerable as it depended on America’s ability to keep lending. Therefore when Stressman died and The Great depression started in 1929, thousands of business closed and millions of Americans were thrown out of work. It also affected economies around the world. The loans from the United States of America on which Germany depended dried up. This resulted in the massive unemployment of many Germans which brought poverty to them. However, the Weimar government was helpless in solving the economic crisis without the leadership of Stressman which resulted in the German people to lose confidence in both the Weimar government and democracy. Therefore, the Germans started to search for any people or group that could help them . Hence ,due to the loss of confidence in the Weimar government, Hitler began to gain support from the Germans as they wanted a change of government and support Nazism which lead to the rise of Hitler.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Transnational Corporations and the International Human Rights Regime Essay

Transnational Corporations and the International Human Rights Regime - Essay Example Thus, a gap in governance exists, between the scope and influence of economic actors and the market forces on the one hand, and the capability of societies to address and manage the harmful effects created by globalization, on the other hand. The UN’s Human Rights Council takes the position that ‘governance gaps’ created by the speed of globalization and the failure of states to keep pace in their capacities to provide the necessary regulatory frameworks enable the ‘permissive environment’ that allows for the ‘wrongful acts by companies of all kinds without adequate sanctioning or reparation.’ There is also a need to clearly define the standards against which the actions of transnational corporations are to be assessed, and the process in addressing perceived violations. It is necessary, prior to enforcement of sanctions, to identify the elements which determine the culpability of the accused corporation. In many cases, there is a lack of precedent according to which the new cases are to be judged. There is likewise uncertainty about the legal procedure to be followed, the vesting of jurisdiction in the proper authority, even the identification of the tribunal to hear the case. Light also needs to be shed on the protocol as to how claim may be made and the party with the personality to make it, and the protections which the accused corporation may avail itself of in warding off false claims and accusations. Human rights upon which business has an impact: standards of compliance Much will be said in the course of this discussion about those human rights upon which business has significant impact. An enumeration of these rights is shown in the appendix, and the rights are classified into two – the labour rights, and the non-labour rights.2 The list was compiled

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pick up a topic from my instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pick up a topic from my instruction - Essay Example Shattered by the partition of India, Boori Ma becomes homeless and takes refuge under the staircase of an old brick building in Calcutta where she does menial jobs like sweeping the staircase and in return gets refuge and food along with some odd things at times from the people of the building and neighborhood. Moving away from the usual canonical theme for which Lahiri is renowned, she presents a complete post-colonial and Marxist themes in the story, ‘A Real Durwan’. There is no such strong hinge on Diaspora. Rather the consequence a society, its people and culture encounters after the decolonization founds profound expression in the story (Shands, â€Å"Neither East Nor West†). This essay intends to explore and analyze the subtle theme of alienation and discourse towards existential crisis expressed through the post-colonial critic and reading of the story ‘A Real Durwan’ by Jhumpa Lahiri. At the outset, it might always seem that Lahiri’s story, ‘A Real Durwan’ is a prolific expression of her recurrent motifs and themes of Indo-American Diaspora. However, there is something beyond this mundane and well established fact that can be traced in the story, ‘A Real Durwan’. Something extra is definitely traced in the text by Lahiri but that extra is not only concerned with the geographical barriers and cultural complexity this time. Nevertheless, an impeccable study on the complexity prevailing on the specific nexus of space and time in the post-colonial as well as post-modern backdrop compels to make the character of Boori Ma central to the reading (Shands, â€Å"Neither East Nor West†). The story ‘A Real Durwan’ captivates a time span wider and intensified. Starting from the tenure of post-partition in India, the plot of the novel also oscillates to and fro to the past of Boori-Ma when India was undivided and was under

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Italian Renaissance Artists Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Italian Renaissance Artists - Term Paper Example It was a movement and an era of awakening that turned from the darkness and stagnation of the middle ages and laid the basis for Western civilization up to the present. The flowering of art during the Renaissance is what it is most remembered for today. Hence, the paintings and sculptures and their creators can be seen as springboards for discussing some fundamental changes in attitude – especially how art evidences new attitudes toward man, his place in the world, and his relationship to God. (Osmond, 1998, p.18) This essay will talk about Italian artists – the likes of Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bellini, etc - who played pivotal roles in this great chapter in European history. During the era of the early Renaissance, evolving modes of representation and choice of content led to a redefinition of painting and sculpture as liberal arts. It can even be said that visual  artists themselves played a role in modifying the perception of their profession and art. In o ther words, artists both helped to shape and to react to an essential change in their status from craftsman to creator. This can be learnt from the broad ranging â€Å"written and visual evidence, including treatises, contracts, letters, financial records, and, perhaps most interesting, the works of art themselves. That many of the most successful early  Renaissance artists  evinced a significant interest in intellectual and social issues is demonstrated in a number of different areas, including changes in artistic training; the involvement of  artists in civic life; their engagement in the study of antiquity and antique art;  artists pursuit of the literary arts, including poetry, autobiography, and theory; and their participation in the paragone debate.† (Rosenberg, 2001, p.937) There was also a shift in the power relationship between patron and artist in favor of the latter, a shift ushered in by the emergence of the social value of artistic renown. The impact of t his phenomenon is best illustrated in the â€Å"difficulties which Isabella d'Este, the Marchioness of Mantua, experienced as she went about negotiating with some of Italy's "best  artists" -- Bellini, Mantegna, Perugino, and Leonardo -- for paintings for her famous studiolo†. (Rosenberg, 2001, p.937) Likewise, artists such as Giovanna Garzoni, Bartolomeo Bimbi, Jacopo Ligozzi, etc â€Å"brought to their subjects not only a masterly technique, but a freshness and originality of style that would have a lasting influence on botanical illustration and the art of naturalistic painting.† (Hirschauer, 2002, p.62) The cartoons made by them are â€Å"full-scale drawings characterized by extended passages of careful modeling and chiaroscuro, became collectible objects valued for their intrinsic aesthetic qualities. Raphael's cartoon (Ambrosiana Gallery, Milan) for the School of Athens is the largest and perhaps best known example of this category of drawing. Because the tran sfer process often led to the destruction of a cartoon, artists introduced another intermediate step, the "substitute cartoon," as a means of preserving workshop model drawings and of keeping the ben finito cartone intact† (Fletcher, 2000, p.347) Towering above the achievements of other artists are the masterly works of Michelangelo,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Research paper of fish Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Of fish - Research Paper Example Pacific cod is more abundant than Atlantic cod thus should be preferred as an alternative. When available, cod caught with long lines, as a preferable technique, should offer a better choice which in turn minimizes harm to the ecosystem. Certified organic farmed cod can also be used as a suitable option. A total of $150 million in relief has been set aside for the New England fishermen and two other fishing areas included in an early vision of the Hurricane Sandy relief bill that passed to reduce on the cod fishing. (Kurlansky p,356)This was done to offer alternatives to farmers who plunged into the sea and made 100 trips so that they reduce the trips made in the sea so as to allow regeneration of the cod fish stocks. Introduction and proliferation of equipment and technology led to the increase of landed fish. These new technologies affected the cod fish populations as they increased the area and depth they were fished the catching of uneconomical species of fish thus depleting the stocks of important predator and prey species. The cod fishery had thrived for hundreds of years before overfishing set in as a result of poor management systems that depleted the stocks so greatly that led to the collapse of the industry. In 1992, more than 35,000 people lost their jobs due to the disappearance of the cod fish thus leaving them at a state of despair. ( Cod Jigging Report in 2006-2011) Due to the great cod fish populations, the fishery was sustainable as the cod fish was seasonal thus there could be regeneration of the stocks. The fishing trends and demands in the market played a major role in its collapse due to the overfishing that ensued and poor management thus leading to its collapse. The farmed versions content of the feed has changed as well. Forage fish provides two essential products: fish meal, for protein, and fish oil, for omega-3 fatty acids which is a suitable alternative to the fish. The different environmental conditions, food requirements for the wi ld fish and the nature of the environment hinder the domestication of the wild fish. (Rose p,146)Wild fish require specific temperatures and conditions that would favor their growth and reproduction and also specific food to sustain their development and this cannot be provided in a domestic environment limiting their production in a domestic setting. The presence or absence of the cod in the ecosystem impacts the pelagic fish, the herring to the zooplankton and phytoplankton through a â€Å"trophic cascade.† The presence of cod can therefore decrease the intensity of the local alga blooms. What other species are affected by its decline? There is little hope as there is slow recovery of the cod stocks due to inadequate food supplies, cooling of the North Atlantic and poor genetic stock due to the overfishing of larger cod. Recent studies reveal that recovery of cod stocks are showing promises of resurgence, despite earlier thoughts of complete collapse. Severity of the collap se of the cod fishery can only be equated to the large populations that lost their livelihoods: estimated 35,000 fishers, were left unemployed. Though there was a smooth intervention by the government to save the situation through a program known as Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program and later through the Atlantic Ground fish strategy. (DISCHNER) There is increased economic diversification, emphasis on education and emergence of a thriving

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Environmental Policy and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Policy and Law - Essay Example (House of Lords, 2000) The scenario in the house where the Oakleys were tenants was such: the bathroom next to kitchen was devoid of a washbasin, therefore forcing the inmates to wash their hands in the kitchen sink. Contamination of food and foul smell were one of the few complaints that arose from this state of affairs. Taking place over a period of five days, the case closed on the decision that the appeal would be allowed. According to the case, there was a grave health hazard in the state of the premises. It was left upto the Justices to determine whether the risk was sufficient to constitute a statutory nuisance. The case went onto explore the legislative history of statutory nuisance, from the time of its mid-Victorian roots, and concluded that "prejudicial to health" should be interpreted in line with its "sanitary" origins; and that section 79(1)(a) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 is directed to the presence of some feature of premises which is in itself prejudicial to health, by way of being the source of possible infection, illness or disease. (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, 2000) This brings us to the issue of the origin of nuisance at Common Law. A conclusion to the contrary, i.e.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The contemporary nature of primary school teaching Essay

The contemporary nature of primary school teaching - Essay Example Children, however, have few emotional resources with which to cope with problems. This is further explained by theories, which state that childhood experiences and development are critically important to their future life. (Goldman, 1996). Â  In addition, using the theories of human development by Sigmund Freud and Erick Erickson, they describe the early stages of life as crucial, critical and prone to dangers. In the Freud’s theory, he stated that if an individual’s needs in his early stage of life are not satisfied, then some negative results will happen in the succeeding stages and eventually, this may result to problems in the future life of the individual. Similarly, in the theory of Erickson, he identified the stages of development where he quoted that each of the stages of life of an individual has its corresponding psychosocial crisis that an individual must overcome. In the early life of the child until the end of primary grade, the important values and attitudes are shaped. These are enumerated as: trust, autonomy, initiative and industry. These attitudes are very important for a growing child. If these are not achieved by the child in his early years then what will happen to him when he reaches adult or old age. In this times when the child needs to have those values, the person on their sides are the parents and most especially, the teachers in the primary grades. It is therefore important that teachers should be knowledgeable to these conditions and characteristics of a growing child (Duka, 2003). The above-mentioned statements only show that children should be cared properly, nurtured well and most specially must be taught well. These duties are not only for the parents but more specially for the teachers, specifically, primary teachers because there are more times when these children are in the care of the teachers. The mission for primary education is to enable every child to acquire basic preparation that will make

Friday, August 23, 2019

Summary of chapter 8 - business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary of chapter 8 - business ethics - Essay Example The contract provides the basic framework governing the reciprocal obligations between the employee and the firm. Underlying this reciprocal relationship are certain ethical issues: company loyalty and conflict of interest. a. Company loyalty is a long held concept. An employee is seen legally bound to be loyal to his/her employer, but extreme view argues that an employee-employer relationship, which is based on self-interest, does not qualify for loyalty, since loyalty is based on a relationship that warrants unconditional sacrifice: loyalty to loved ones or country. To view company loyalty as to safeguard and pursue the firm’s legitimate interest is morally acceptable, but not morally required. To other employees, company loyalty could be a consequence of group identification. b. Conflict of interest is another common problem confronted even by loyal employees, since basically employees and employers operate from different plane and perspective. This occurs when employees at any level have their own self-interest that collides with their job duties and as such could substantially provoke them to undermine their firm’s interest. Financial investments made by employees with the company’s suppliers, customers or distributors are one of the most common sources of conflict of interest. Many cases of this type had been brought to court and had been proven detrimental to the interest of the company. Companies have their own policy regarding this to define what is permissible and impermissible. Since such policy affects the financial well-being of all involved, this should be subjected to open and free negotiations making it acceptable to all. 2. Abuse of official position ranging from making subordinates take on tasks unrelated to the firm to the use of position for personal financial enhancement, privileges and advantage, always raises ethical questions, as this undermines employees’ obligations

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How successful was Josip Broz Tito as a ruler of Yugoslavia Essay

How successful was Josip Broz Tito as a ruler of Yugoslavia - Essay Example He was imprisoned in the Petrovaradin fortress after being arrested for anti-war propaganda. Still a prisoner of war, Tito was sent to Galicia to fight against Russia. A howitzer shell seriously injured him in Bukovina. Russia claimed the whole battalion in April of 1915. Josip Broz Tito spent several months in the hospital as he recovered from his injuries. After his recovery, he went to work camp at Ural Mountains in the fall of 1916. During April of 1916, he organized demonstrations for prisoners of war and was arrested. He eventually escaped. He resumed his demonstrations by joining in Saint Petersburg on July 16, 1917 and July 17, 1917. He tried to flee to Finland to escape being arrested, but he was sent to prison in Petropavlovsk fortress three weeks after the demonstrations. He was in prison in a camp in Kungur. He escaped by the train. In November 1917, he went to Omsk, Siberia and enlisted in the Red Army. During the spring of 1918, he completed an application to join the Russian Communist Party. He was granted membership in 1920 not long before the Communist Party of Yugoslavia was banned. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia’s influence on the political arena of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was insignificant. Josip Broz Tito eventually b ecame a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party in 1934. In April of 1941, Yugoslavia was invaded by the Axis Forces. The Communist Party organized a resistance movement. Tito demanded a public call for armed resistance against the Germans. The Yugoslav National Liberation Army named Tito the Chief Commander. According to the article, â€Å"the NLA partisans staged a wide-spread guerrilla campaign and started liberating chunks of territory in which they organized peoples committees to act as civilian government.† ( He was the main leader of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia. The organization convened in Bihac in

Role of Un in Peace Keeping Essay Example for Free

Role of Un in Peace Keeping Essay In addition to maintaining peace and security, peacekeepers are increasingly charged with assisting in political processes, reforming judicial systems, training law enforcement and police forces, disarming and reintegrating former combatants, supporting the return of internally displaced persons and refugees. Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish are the UN official languages. However, UN is facing criticism regarding corruption and abuse and some other things. Conclusion:- UN has a great effect on international peace. But, there are some arguments regarding contribution of military forces from different countries. To change the world, it need to change itself too. Its better if it has its own military force. United Nations has an organization called UN Security Council that is responsible for peacekeeping. Five members of this team are permanent members while ten are chosen every 2 years. Peacemaking was introduces at the end of cold war and has undergone immense changes. It keeps evolving to meet the political demands

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Promotion Mix To Create An IMC Campaign Marketing Essay

Promotion Mix To Create An IMC Campaign Marketing Essay As defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies, integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan (Elliott, 2012, P:491). Companies that sell products or services use some or all of the components of a marketing and communications mix, also called a promotional mix. These include advertising, personal sales, sales promotions, public relations and direct marketing. Most national brands use all parts of the mix, each in proportion to the needs of the product. Cereal makers, for example, concentrate most efforts and money on advertising and sales promotions, such as coupons. Other products call for different mix ratios, with some mix components completely eschewed. In addition to these key promotional tools, the marketer can also use other techniques, such as exhibitions and product placement in movies, songs or video games, which have been growing in popularity in recent years. Before proceeding any further, however, it is important to stress that promotional mix decisions should not be made in isolation. As we saw with pricing, all aspects of the marketing mix need to be blended together carefully. The promotional mix used must be aligned with the decisions made with regard to product, pricing and distribution, in order to communicate benefits to a target market. But for a soft-drinks maker like Pepsi, IMC can also be used can be used to create more communication impact, e.g. Advertising can be combined with sales promotions and a little bit of public relations such as sponsorship/events. From the facts of the case study, Pepsi used a new approach in its marketing communication. Pepsi holds the number one, third and fourth position among music, overall position among all companies, and entertainment channels. It gives a significant contribution on the music channels with 12.81% share of coverage and holds the first position in that category. It has the third position on the whole TV media with overall 4.29% share of coverage, the effectiveness of which is reported in reduction by researchers (Kotler Keller 2006, p.576). Similarly, it comes at number fourth on entertainment channels. Overall, these new media win the trust of consumers by connecting with them at a deeper level. Marketers are taking note of many different social media opportunities and beginning to implement new social initiatives at a higher rate than ever before. Social media marketing and the businesses that utilize it have become more sophisticated. Q2. How effectively has Pepsi integrated digital and traditional media for the promotion of their products? Provide examples of digital media used. Nowadays millions of consumers converse on a daily basis in online communities, discussion forums, blogs and social networks. They turn to the Internet to share opinions, advice, grievances and recommendations. It has been said that traditional media is losing its face value and that the Internet is a fad and digital only applies to the millennium generation. While that may seem true, if you want to stay on the innovative cusp for your business, use both traditional and internet media marketing and here are some reasons why: 1. Online conversations can power or deflate a companys brand. Do you have a presence? 2. Discover specific issues that are being discussed around your company, brand or organization and create feedback to these issues. 3. There may be events, trends and issues that may be influencing industry and brand buzz. 4. Measure how your online and offline marketing campaigns resonate with consumers. 5. Leverage word-of-mouth to drive brand credibility, and ultimately sales if you use face-to-face marketing, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization Strategy, and Social Media Strategy correctly. People are more likely to communicate through both word-of-mouth and social media when they are engaged with the product, service, or idea. This engagement may come naturally for supporters of causes, political candidates, and trendy new technological products. However, it can also be creatively stimulated for products and services which generate less psychological involvement of customers. For example, Pepsi (2008) uses its Pepsi Stuff online customer loyalty program to engage consumers by enabling them to redeem points for MP3 downloads, television show downloads, CDs, DVDs, electronics, and apparel. Campaign participants are also allowed to participate in sweepstakes drawings for larger prizes, such as home theater systems and trip giveaways. Coca Cola (2008) has a similar campaign entitled My Coke Rewards. According to Nielson research, TV users watch more than ever before (an average of 127 hrs, 15 min per month) and these users are spending 9% more time using the Internet (26 hrs, 26 min per month) from last year. Approximately 220 million Americans have Internet access at home and/or work with a growing number using the Internet for research and social media. Knowing this research, traditional media entertains and communicates to a mass audience whereas digital media entertains, communicates with, and engages the individual. The benefits of digital media can be highly measurable and marketers can often see a direct effect in the form of improved sales in addition to establishing a direct link with the consumer. This can also be cost effective. However, the pitfalls of digital marketing can be that the medium is new, constantly changing and evolving with results that vary. You often get what you ask for! Digital media is known as digitized content (text, graphics, audio and video) that can be transmitted over the Internet. While digital media consumption such as twitter, facebook, youtube etc have increased tremendously, Pepsi cannot ignore consumers who still rely on traditional media for their informative and entertainment needs, as a result, 2/3 of their advertising budget is still dedicated to traditional media. Marketers must strike a good balance between using traditional and digital/social media and other promotional tools Q3. How might Pepsi measure the effectiveness of its new campaign? Provide examples. The most suitable criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising, depends on a number variables, such as the advertising goals, the type of media used, the cost of evaluation, the value that the business or advertising agency places on evaluation measures, the level of precision and reliability required, who the evaluation is for and the budget. It is difficult to accurately measure the effectiveness of a particular advertisement, because it is affected by such things as the amount and type of prior advertising The best measurement of a campaigns effectiveness is its ability to meet its objectives. From the case study, Pepsis objectives could be: Attract more competitors users (such as Coca-Cola) Increase sales volume Hold present Customers Create brand awareness To project a rejuvenated image for Pepsi as a socially responsible corporation To change consumer attitudes from neutral or unfavourable (it is a soft drink after all) to positive To use newer, digital media to engage in two-way communication with their customers/public. To communicate its new image via it new packaging Generally, Pepsi could use the following to measure the campaigns effectiveness: Stimulate an increase in sales Remind customers of the existence of a product Inform customers Build a brand image Build customer loyalty and relationship Change customer attitudes Marketers recognize that in the modern world of marketing there are many different opportunities and methods for contacting current and prospective customers to provide them with information about a company and/or brands. The challenge is to understand how to use the various IMC tools to make such contacts and deliver the branding message effectively and efficiently. A successful IMC program requires that marketers find the right combination of communication tools and techniques, define their role and the extent to which they can or should be used, and coordinate their use. To accomplish this, the persons responsible for the companys communication efforts must have an understanding of the IMC tools that are available and the ways they can be used.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Simulation of the ALOHA protocol

Simulation of the ALOHA protocol Abstract-The present essay is a tutorial on the OMNeT++ simulation environment, through the analysis of the known ALOHA protocol. The model implements the ALOHA random access protocol on the Link layer, and simulates a host to server instant broadcast. ALOHA is rather simple yet convenient to demonstrate the potential of OMNeT++ in simulating wireless protocols. The final part evaluates the pure and the slotted ALOHA variations, in regard to the theoretical models. Introduction OMNeT++ is a discrete event simulation (DES) environment, developed by Andras Varga as public source, and is accompanied by Academic Public License, which means that it is free for nonprofit academic use. The intention behind OMNeT++ was the development of an open source generic simulation environment, not exclusively dedicated to network simulations as the more known ns-2, or the commercial Opnet. The environment offers instead, a generic and flexible platform to develop simulation frameworks dedicated to complex IT systems, as wireless and sensor networks, the classic IP and IPv6 stacks, queuing networks, optical networks and various hardware architectures. Typical example of a framework that provides simulation components for IP, TCP, UDP, Ethernet and MPLS, is the INET Framework and the MiXiM, which is an aggregation of several frameworks for mobile and wireless simulations. The OMNeT++ ver. 4.0 is built on the known Eclipse CDT ver. 5.0, and uses most of its resources. It is offered for Windows and Linux operating systems. The core of the models is coded in C++, in Linux uses the gcc compiler and in Windows uses the MinGW port for the gcc suite. There is a commercial version called OMNEST, with no significant accessories than the open version, except the optional use of the native Visual C++ compiler for the Windows platform. The ALOHA protocol was one of the oldest random access protocols, invented by Norm Abramson in 1969. The first wireless network, implementing packet switching over radio, used the pure ALOHA variation, have initially established in Hawaii. Later Abramson interfaced the ALOHAnet with the ARPAnet, the primitive form of internet. The ALOHA have inspired the creation of CSMA/CD and the birth of Ethernet. Finally, the random access protocol has evolved to contemporary CSMA/CA, the MAC layer of Wi-Fi. The slotted ALOHA and the later pure ALOHA have simple implementations, appropriate for simulation. It uses only the host to server broadcast instant, but is adequate to calculate the maximum channel capacity and demonstrate some other interesting attributes, as well. OMNeT++ DESCRIPTION The Structure of Models OMNeT++ is based on C++ programming and follows the object-oriented approach with classes and class instances, the so-called objects. The simulation model consists of modules, which communicate by message passing. The core element is the simple module, which is written in C++, and constitutes an instance of a module type from the simulation class library. The next structural element in the hierarchy is the compound model, which is formed from simple modules or other compound models. Every module, simple or compound, has ports to communicate with the external environment, called gates. Gates could be bidirectional or could be restricted to input or output. Modules are connected through their gates via connections and they communicate by exchanging messages, via these connections. The block diagram in Fig. 1 depicts the internal module structure according to the declared hierarchy, in OMNeT++. The connections are limited within the module range but the message exchange can be established across hierarchy levels. This is applicable in the case of modeling wireless systems and the simulation of ALOHA stations will make use of it. Otherwise, messages are traveling through the chain of connections. Modules have parameters, which are used to pass initialization data during the initiation of the simulation. The compound models can pass parameters to the contained sub-modules. The final model which contains the aggregate of the modules is called network model, is represented as a class and each simulation run is executed on an instance of this class. The NED language The structure of the simulation in OMNeT++ is based on the network description language (NED). The NED includes declarations for the simple modules and definitions for the compound modules and the network model. The language programming is accomplished by the integrated graphic editor, as shown in Fig. 2 or the text editor, as shown in Fig. 3. Both editors are producing equivalent code, and the programmer can switch from one another without any derogation. The programming model The typical code development includes the following steps: The programmer creates the network model, by creating the appropriate network_name.ned file, using the IDE. The NED file describes the network name and the topology, which are the names of the sub-modules, simples and compounds. Every sub-module should have its own module_name.ned file, which includes the parameter declarations and other meta-data. As mentioned, the behavior of every simple module is expressed in C++, so there should be two specific files, the and the module_name.h, for every simple module. These files are compiled during simulation execution by the supporting C++ compiler, and linked with the simulation kernel and libraries. The programmer usually tests the behavior of the simulation model according to different inputs. These could be entered manually by the user, during simulation execution, or could be included in a configuration file. Generally, there is a special type of file the omnetpp.ini that contains these parameters and the rest of the building blocks, to support user interaction. The IDE includes an editor for the initialization files, which can switch between form view, as shown in Fig. 4, and source view, as shown in Fig. 5. The two fields are equivalent. There are two fundamental methods to develop C++ code for programming the simple module behavior: The co-routine based and the event processing function. In the first approach, every module executes its own threat of code, which is activated every time it receives a message from the simulation kernel. In the last approach, the simulation kernel calls the module function, having the specific message as argument. Prior to main() function execution, an initialization function declares variables and objects and before program termination, a finalization function saves the data logged during simulation, and produces histograms. OMNeT++ Architecture and Potentiality The following Fig. 6 presents the internal logic structure of OMNeT++. The first block is the model component library, which the programmer develops in C++, and contains the compiled code of simple and compound modules. The simulation kernel and the class library (SIM) instantiates the modules and build the concrete simulation model. The user interface libraries (Envir and Cmdenv or Tkenv) provide the simulation environment, which defines the source of input data, the sink of simulation results and the debugging information. It controls the simulation execution, visualization and animation. Cmdenv provides only command line and text mode input-output, and it is more appropriate for batch simulations. Tkenv is the graphical user interface (GUI) of OMNeT++. It provides automatic animation, module output windows and object inspectors. The following Fig. 7 depicts an active simulation output through OMNeT++/Tkenv. OMNeT++ includes very powerful tools to visualize the interaction among modules. A sequence chart diagram provides a way to inspect the timing of the events during simulation by extracting data from an event log file. During the finalization routine, the logged data are saved to specific result files, the vectors in network_name.vec and the scalars in files, respectively. For the result analysis, OMNeT++ produces the analysis file network_name.anf, which contains aggregated data in vectors and scalars plus any histograms, created during the final stage. All the types of data can be further processed by using pattern rules, in datasets and charts section, to produced advanced charts and graphs. In the ALOHA simulation most of the available choices are used for demonstration. Aloha Simulation Background Theory The slotted ALOHA is the most simple random access protocol. The transmitting station always broadcasts at the full rate R of the channel. The transmission initiates at the beginning of the slot, which is common for the aggregate of the stations. If two or more stations transmit simultaneously, then the condition is called collision and all the stations involved, after a random time different for each, retransmit the frame until successful delivery. The procedure is presented at the following figure: The slotted ALOHA protocol allows each station to transmitat at the channels full speed R, but requires slots to be synchronized in all the stations, something not nessesary for the unslotted or pure ALOHA. The following assumtions are made to simplify simulation: The source generates single frames of length L bits. The inter-arrival times between frames follow exponential distribution. If R bps is the capacity of the wireless link then the slot time is set equal to the transmission time of each frame, which is: tframe=LR sec. All nodes are synchronized and transmit frames only at the beginning of a slot. If a node has a new frame to send, it waits until the beginning of the next slot. If two or more frames collide, then their hosts retransmit after random time, following exponential distribution. If there is no collision, then the node transmits its next frame following exponential distribution. I define N the number of stations operating the slotted ALOHA protocol and p the probability of each station to transmit in the next slot. The probability for the same station to do not transmit in the next slot is then 1-p, and for the rest of the stations is 1-pN-1. Therefore, the probability for a station to have a successful transmission during the next slot is to transmit and the rest of the stations to do not transmit, so it is p1-pN-1, and because there are N stations, the probability that an arbitrary node has a successful transmission is Np1-pN-1. A slot where a single station transmits is called a successful slot. The efficiency of slotted ALOHA is defined as the long run fraction of successful slots, which is: Ep=Np1-pN-1 (1) To find the maximum efficiency, we seek p* that maximizes (1). Then: Ep=N1-pN-1-NpN-11-pN-2=N1-pN-21-p-pN-1 If Ep=0 then p*=1N . Using this value, the maximum efficiency is: Ep*=N1N1-1NN-1=1-1NN-1=1-1NN1-1N (2) For a large number of active stations, the maximum efficiency accrues from (2) as N approaches infinity: limNEp*=limN1-1NNlimN1-1N=1e1=1e=0.368 (3) From (3), the maximum efficiency of slotted ALOHA is 0.368 or 36.8% The unslotted version or pure ALOHA protocol does not have the restriction of slot synchronizing, and the station is able to broadcast when a new frame is available. So pure ALOHA is a full-decentralized random access protocol. When a transmitting station detects a collision, after completing the transmission, it retransmits the frame with probability p. If it chooses to postpone the transmission for a single frame transmission period tframe=LR sec, then the probability is (1-p). The figure below depicts transmissions and collisions in the unslotted channel. The maximum efficiency of pure ALOHA protocol is calculated similarly as the slotted ALOHA. The only difference here is that the rest of the stations should have not begun transmitting before and should not begin during the broadcast of the given station. The probability that the rest of the stations remain idle is 1-pN-1 and the probability that they remain idle is 1-pN-1 again. Therefore, the probability that the given station will have a successful transmission is p1-p2N-1. Again, we seek the value of p* that maximizes (4), which is the probability of successful transmission for the sum of the N stations. Ep=Np1-p2N-1 (4) Ep=N1-p2N-2-Np2N-11-p2N-3=N1-p2N-31-p-p2N-1 If Ep=0 then p*=12N-1 . Using this value the maximum efficiency is: Ep*=N2N-11-12N-12N-1 (5) From (5), the maximum efficiency accrues as N approaches infinity, which is: limNEp*=121e=12e (6) From (6) I assume that the maximum efficiency, for the pure ALOHA protocol, is 0.184 or 18.39%, the half of slotted ALOHA. Another useful diagram is in Fig. 10. It depicts the apparent superiority of slotted ALOHA over the pure ALOHA protocol, despite the limitations that turn it to non-functional. The normalized total traffic is the aggregate traffic, which generated by the source of the station, divided by the channel capacity R and the normalized throughput ? is the average successful traffic (non-collided) divided by R. The slotted ALOHA achieves double throughput than the pure ALOHA and achieves its maximum efficiency when the generated traffic rate equals the channels capacity R. The pure ALOHA although, achieves its maximum efficiency when the generated traffic equals to R/2. Model Development NED language The following paragraphs describe the process of creating a functional model for the simulation of ALOHA protocol in OMNeT++. The object of simulation is to study the behavior of the ALOHA model and to confirm the theoretical values of maximum efficiency for pure and slotted ALOHA. The ALOHA random access protocol is peer based and does not use a server-client architecture. It is convenient to study the effect of collisions and random retransmissions only in the case when one host is receiving (becomes server) and the rest of the hosts are transmitting. The first step is to develop the NED code that describes the network Aloha. The following Aloha.ned file creates the Aloha network, which consist of simple modules, one called server and a number of hosts, equal to numHosts parameter. The txRate defines the transmission rate R, of the wireless channel, and slotTime defines the type of protocol. Zero means pure ALOHA and 100ms defines the slot time length. The parameter @display selects a background image, taken from the library. network Aloha { parameters: int numHosts; // number of hosts double txRate @unit(bps); // transmission rate double slotTime @unit(ms);// zero means no slots (pure Aloha) @display(bgi=background/terrain); submodules: server: Server; host[numHosts]: Host { txRate = txRate; slotTime = slotTime; } } The following Server.ned file describes the servers simple module. It loads an image for the server icon and defines a gate of input type (in), with which it is not necessary to establish a connection. It can receive a message directly from a host via @directIn, something that is usual to wireless simulations. simple Server { parameters: @display(i=device/antennatower_l); gates: input in @directIn; } The following Host.ned describes the hosts simple module. It loads a set of parameters from the omnetpp.ini file, the radioDelay, which is the propagation delay over the radio link, pkLenBits, which is the length of the frame, and iaTime, which is the random inter-arrival time, following exponential distribution. The rest of the parameters, txRate and slotTime, are loaded in Aloha.ned, during sub-module instantiation. simple Host { parameters: double txRate @unit(bps); // transmission rate double radioDelay @unit(s);// propagation delay of radio link volatile int pkLenBits @unit(b); // packet length in bits volatile double iaTime @unit(s); // packet interarrival time double slotTime @unit(s); // zero means no slots (pure Aloha) @display(i=device/pc_s); } Configuration The most critical file is the configuration file omnetpp.ini. It stores the values of the parameters that are loaded in the NED parameter fields. When declaring on the [General] field that Aloha.slotTime=0, is presets globally the pure ALOHA protocol. Similarly, the Aloha.numHosts=20 defines the number of hosts to be 20, the Aloha.txRate=9.6kbps defines the R to be 9600bps. The last definitions load the parameters of Aloha model and consequently the parameters of the simple modules that Aloha model controls, which are the server and the host modules. The definitions[*].pkLenBits=952b and[*].radioDelay=10ms load directly the parameters pk.LenBits and radioDelay on every host submodule, respectively. [General] network = Aloha #debug-on-errors = true #record-eventlog = true Aloha.numHosts = 20 Aloha.slotTime = 0 # no slots Aloha.txRate = 9.6Kbps[*].pkLenBits = 952b #=119 bytes, so that (with +1 byte guard) slotTime is a nice round number[*].radioDelay = 10ms [Config PureAloha1] description = pure Aloha, overloaded # too frequent transmissions result in high collision rate and low channel utilization[*].iaTime = exponential(2s) [Config PureAloha2] description = pure Aloha, optimal load # near optimal load, channel utilization is near theoretical maximum 1/2e[*].iaTime = exponential(6s) [Config PureAloha3] description = pure Aloha, low traffic # very low traffic results in channel being idle most of the time[*].iaTime = exponential(30s) [Config PureAlohaExperiment] description = Experimental mutliparameter demostration repeat = 2 sim-time-limit = 90min **.vector-recording = false Aloha.numHosts = ${numHosts=10,15,20}[*].iaTime = exponential(${mean=1,2,3,4,5..9 step 2}s) [Config SlottedAloha1] description = slotted Aloha, overloaded # slotTime = pkLen/txRate = 960/9600 = 0.1s Aloha.slotTime = 100ms # too frequent transmissions result in high collision rate and low channel utilization[*].iaTime = exponential(0.5s) [Config SlottedAloha2] description = slotted Aloha, optimal load # slotTime = pkLen/txRate = 960/9600 = 0.1s Aloha.slotTime = 100ms # near optimal load, channel utilization is near theoretical maximum 1/e[*].iaTime = exponential(2s) [Config SlottedAloha3] description = slotted Aloha, low traffic # slotTime = pkLen/txRate = 960/9600 = 0.1s Aloha.slotTime = 100ms # very low traffic results in channel being idle most of the time[*].iaTime = exponential(20s) A selection of the SlottedAloha2 configuration overrides the value of slotTime with[*].slotTime=100ms, which fixes the slotted ALOHA protocol with slot time to 100ms. The[*].iaTime=exponential(2s) sets the frame inter-arrival time on every host to follow exponential distribution, with mean time equals to 2 seconds. The Config option PureAlohaExperiment exploits the OMNeTs capabilities of organizing different experiments with simple repetition declarations. The statement Aloha.numHosts=${numHosts=10,15,20} declares three (3) repetitions having 10, 1 and 20 hosts respectively. The statement[*].iaTime=exponential(${mean=1,2,3,4,5..9 step 2}s) declares seven (7) repetitions, with interarrival times equal to exponential distribution and means, 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 7 and 9, respectively. The repeat=2 statement doubles the number of runs, so finally the available choices will be 2x3x7=42 from 0 to 41 optional runs. The statement sim-time-limit=90min constrains the simulation time to 90 minutes. C++ model coding The simple modules Host and Server are based on C++ programming. The relevant, host.h, and server.h, which are included entirely in the appendix section, implement the model behavior during simulation by exchanging messages directly one-another or with the simulation kernel. The following Fig. 11 is a design- level class diagram, describing the basic relationships among network module Aloha and simple modules, Host and Server. The two last, inherit from cSimpleModule simulation class library, and redefine the basic methods initialize(), handleMessage(), activity() and finish(), according to the desired function. The Aloha network model comprises of several Host objects and one Server, so it keeps an aggregation association with Host and Server classes. It passes also to them some parameter values, some declared in the omnetpp.ini file and some taken from user dialog form. The Host module keeps an one-way association with Server because every Host declares a Server object in the attribute field, in order to send a direct message (pk) later, by calling the sendDirect() function. The scheduleAt() function programs the kernel to send the Host an endTxEvent message when the transmission ends. This is represented by the self-association. Similarly, the Server module programs the kernel to send the Server an endRxEvent, when the reception of the message sent from Host finishes, and is represented as the self-association. The module code is cited commented in the appendix. Here, I will explain the finish() function of the server module, because it creates the result reports, necessary for the exploitation of the simulation. void Server::finish() { EV

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Russian Revolution at the Kronstadt Navel Base Essay -- European E

The Russian Revolution at the Kronstadt Navel Base Most popular uprisings in recent history have been characterized by a brief period of incredible potential and hope, only to collapse in failure and despair. Even the supposedly 'successful' Russian Revolution of 1917 followed this pattern. Revolutionaries threw off centuries of imperial rule and oppression in order to create a new world of freedom, peace and equality... only to end up with Stalin, purges, gulags, dekulakization - and ultimately decades of Bolshevik1 rule and oppression. Although it can sometimes be disheartening to review this long history of failure and oppression, valuable insights can be gained by investigating these past revolutions. The achievements and promise of the revolutionaries can be studied and their strengths marked. The weaknesses that led to their eventual defeat and decay must also be understood, so that the same mistakes are not made again. This article will address these themes in the context of the Russian Revolution at the Kronstadt navel base.2 Kronstadt deserves special attention for several reasons. The workers, soldiers and sailors at Kronstadt used the Revolution to build "a bustling, self-governing, egalitarian and highly politicized Soviet democracy, the like of which had not been seen in Europe since the days of the Paris Commune."3 This was the great promise of Kronstadt, which Trotsky praised as "the pride and glory of the Russian Revolution."4 Nowhere in Russia, however, was the failure of the revolution so dramatically illustrated as at Kronstadt. After the Bolsheviks consolidated their control of the base in mid-1918, Kronstadt made one last "desperate attempt to restore and reactivate its radical Soviet democracy."5 This... ...or illegally celebrating May Day. 13. Quoted in Getzler, Kronstadt 1917 - 1921 , 18. 14. Ibid., 22 - 26. 15. Ibid., 23 - 24. 16. Ibid., 246 - 247. 17. Ibid., 22 - 24. 18. Ibid., 248. 19. Ibid., 49. 20. Ibid., 36 - 37. 21. Ibid., 42, 254. 22. Ibid., 50, 36. 23. Ibid., 251. 24. Ibid., 58. 25. Ibid., 119. 26. Ibid., 181, 250. 27. Ibid., 186 - 187. 28. Ibid., 188. 29. Ibid., 190 - 191. 30. Ibid., 202. 31. Ibid., ix. 32. Ibid., 204. 33. Avrich, Kronstadt 1921, 78 - 81. 34. Ibid., 75 - 76. 35. Ibid., 5. 36. See, for instance, David Schaich, Kronstadt 1921: An Analysis of Bolshevik Propaganda (Unpublished, 2001), 37. Figes, A People's Tragedy, 768. 38. Avrich, Kronstadt 1921, 3. 39. Ibid., 229. 40. Getzler, Kronstadt 1917 - 1921, 46. 41. Ibid., 246. 42. Ibid., 252.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ethan Frome Readers Response :: Essays Papers

Ethan Frome Readers Response I thought the novel Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton was one of the best books that I have ever read. When I started reading the book I thought that it would be about the accident that Ethan experienced instead of the incidents behind it. The novel is also well written, Edith Wharton did a fine job writing a book that I never wanted to put down. I felt as though the story was being told to me and that I actually knew Ethan and Mattie. As well I enjoyed the way that Edith Wharton used a lot of adjectives to make the scenes and story come alive, for example in the end of the story during the sledding scene I actually felt as though I was on the sled with Ethan and Mattie. Only two things in the novel bothered me, the fact that in the beginning of the novel I thought that I would find out what happened to Ethan in more detail and I also wanted Mattie and Ethan to run off together. In the opening of the novel, I thought that I would learn more about the accident and when I finished the novel I thought that I was â€Å"left hanging† when Edith Wharton really did not tell you what happened after she made it seem as thought that is what the novel is about. I also wanted Mattie and Ethan to live happily ever after, maybe it was the female in me but I think that they should have run off together instead of being sensible. In the end of the novel, I was really surprised to find out that Ethan is still married to Zeena, I thought that Zeena might leave Ethan and then Ethan and Mattie could get married. I did notice some of the symbolism that Edith Wharton uses in her novel for example, that there is striking symbolism in the imagery that the author uses, primarily that of winter which depicts coldness, detachment, bleakness and seclusion. I also think that Edith Wharton chose winter as a theme in this novel because it symbolizes emotional and physical isolation, and death that surrounds Ethan. Similarly, the name of the town, Starkfield, is symbolic of Ethan's boring life. Just as Ethan’s house was once new and beautiful it is now worn by many harsh winters in Starkfield, as was Ethan after the accident.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Difficulties of Parenting Essay

Every day thousands and thousands of adults around the world experience the happiness and challenges of becoming new parents. Every generation goes through the period of having to raise its children to adulthood. Even though parenthood has a great deal of positive points for the mother and father, it is probably the most difficult task that they will take on in their lives. Being a good parent requires a great deal of effort in many different areas throughout a child’s life, and being able to successfully manage all those areas is what makes parenthood so demanding. The actual process of physically raising an infant is probably the most difficult task for a parent. When a child is born, it is completely helpless and needs constant attention to all its needs. Parents must constantly feed it, clean it, and always pay constant attention to their new child since it is completely dependent on them. Finding the right foods, cloths, and other necessary items such as diapers and baby bottles might look easy, but they are quite difficult and require a great deal of time and attention. Picking the wrong baby formula can cause a baby to get sick, and finding the correct size for baby cloths can be quite difficult. Also, since there are many different variations and brands for everything babies need, parents will usually find it hard to decide what the right product is for their child. For example, finding the perfect car seat for a baby becomes a big challenge when the parents must choose between at least twenty similar brands. As the child grows up, new challenges are created for the parents. One of the most important parts of raising a child is to teach it morals and discipline. Many times parents find it difficult to decide when and how to teach a child a certain thing. For example, parents must show that lying and cheating are not good, but many are unable to explain the negative results of these actions. Also, many families have environments where children see their parents doing many of the bad things that they showed their children to be wrong. Therefore, another difficult task for parents is to create a positive home setting that is based on what they teach their children. Also, parents must find a way to discipline their children without causing fear in them. Some children are more difficult that others for teaching discipline, but parents must be careful not to be too forceful with them but, at the  same time, be able to gain their full respect. The many stresses of raising a child can have a strong impact on the parents through the years, and learning to adjust to the new stresses of life is quite important but difficult for parents to do. Financially, the cost of living becomes much higher for the parents, and they realize that they must find new ways to adjust their lives in order to make ends meet. They will eventually have to give up on many things that they used to do such as going to expensive restaurants and yearly trips out of town. Parents always want the best for their children and many times must find ways to help their children get over the many hurdles such as school work, peer pressure, and other things that may cause a child to lose its confidence. In this way parents go through the same stresses that their children go through, and the long years of continuous stress will have a lasting effect on the parents. Finally, one of the more difficult realities that parents face is the loss of their freedom and free time. They realize that the daily walks together become more and more difficult. They will have a lot fewer romantic dinners together. Instead, they will be spending more time at home with the children or, at best, in a family restaurant with the rest of the families with children. At first, accepting this reality will be a difficult task for the parents. As time goes by, they adapt to the new environment. However, many men and women go through periods of depression in their late 30’s and 40’s due to the fact that they feel like they have lost a big portion of their younger times raising their children and are no longer able to enjoy life as they did before. It is another sacrifice that all parents make for their children. Clearly, having children and raising them to the best of their abilities are goal of most parents. However, accomplishing this goal is probably the most difficult challenge of their lives. It takes a great deal of energy, both physically and emotionally, to turn an infant into an adult, and it all comes at a big cost and sacrifice for the parents. As they raise their children, parents learn as much as their children about life. In a way, they grow with their children in their own ways through the good and the often  difficult times.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Prince Sports

Prince Market Analysis As the sport continues to experience growth due to the younger interest, Prince has created its own death warrant because it fails to see how it can create a positive and lasting strong hold in a market that has seen a recent upswing. One of the things that sticks out the most to me was the amount of time it took for Prince to realize its superior position in the niche market of tennis and other racket designated sports, I can’t grasp the idea that Prince was not already a major contender in the market.As the sports world is going through a makeover with sport phenoms seeking commercial backing, Prince has assured itself through social networking and sponsorship of young talented athletes is a way to snare young and upcoming players, pro or not. But, this very same issue can be seen as a down fall as well, to either the competitor or Prince. If Prince misses one or two up and coming players, no harm; but potentially missing out on millions in sales would devastate a younger company, a younger company must be spot on in their choices.Every match, win or lose, the player is getting recognition from the media, never a down side to branding unless the athlete does not become the star once thought possible; get them while they are young and you will create a devoted consumer (fan). In my opinion, Prince failed to protect itself when they entered into the arena of hosting minor events. I feel this is their biggest mistake.By doing so the competition should be able to see that doing the very same thing and co-branding with accessorizing services and or products can create a dent in the growth Prince would have seen from their own venues. Reason being, Prince is only one company while there are millions of up and coming stars that are looking for the backing of a corporate sponsor that stands behind its product’s with stellar customer service and an unwavering and resilient front in research that pushes the game to the next level.Th is is the only saving factor that Prince can rely on to push back the low end producers of equipment and apparel. But, a company with the ability to create and research new methods of manufacturing, innovative and out of the box designing (product and advertising), would create not only a sizeable but growing market saturation by merely addressing the latter. A new and upcoming player is a walking billboard, that when touched with social media and any airtime, frenzy can ensue for the product line and or services sponsoring the young athlete.A young and new exciting player that has a bankable and commercial attitude can spawn millions in sales for the company that sponsored them prior to athletic stardom. This is where Prince failed to cover their†¦well let’s just say door! As a new and upcoming player seeks to lay waste to the competition and seek to better their own bottom line through securing ad time for a bevy of products that may or may not have anything to do with tennis. The competition has done two things by always being at the beckoning call of the up and coming billboard, I mean star.The most important thing, the branding of their product, each and every time a camera shot is taken at a competition, or an interview on ESPN after a match, the competition has assured itself a front row seat into the pockets of player’s novice and professional. Second, by assuring co-branding and sponsorship, a two prong social media attack can be placed on the efforts to grow market share and sustainability created by a dual marketing campaign lodged against Prince by the competitor and fellow co-sponsor of the athlete.Co-sponsorship and branding however also limits the exposure a company could have in backing a new and upcoming athlete. By splitting the cost needed to sponsor an athlete I would only assume the money could be positioned to assist in other areas of concern such as research or ad time. This is where Prince failed to see itself, which I see as a flaw in their approach to assure continued growth, even if a new competitor copied their same exact plan. The competitor would fail because Prince would have all or some of the major accessorizing companies already on board.Again, this would also assist with in-house needs for cash that could be pooled for other pressing issues. But even with this idea in place, Prince would have to reshape their departments to assist those that would need the authority to make decisions on the spot with good information without the input of groups that may slow the process. A new competitor would already have thought of because it would need to be nimble and quick to decide (with good information) when creating co-marketing agreements and scouting new talent.Any competitor can see that the grass root approach to introducing, researching, collaborating, and a well-executed marketing plan can easily remove Prince as a Juggernaut in the tennis arena. Prince left the back door open in anothe r arena as well. Social media is not a proprietary component and can cease to exist overnight if the public is no longer interested in it. This is where I think Prince left the door open and could be the second reason they fail to maintain growth. Having access to the needs and wants of a customer is the winning factor that all companies seek to gorge themselves on.A competitor would merely need to address the customer in a variety of ways. With the growth of the smartphone being the comparison of a personal computer and seen as a personal device like a toothbrush. A competitor merely needs to create a social platform that allows the consumer to be a part of the company through beta testing, questionnaires, sweepstakes, and other client building venues that assures growth for all involved because of the co-sponsoring and branding approach to introduce services and products; trending at its finest without the need to specialize.A competitor merely would have to create a smartphone ap plication and its own social media web based portal that can be reached via a plug-in to the most widely used social media networks. Novice to professional players would be a great form of information needed to create or improve a better product with little to no amount spent in collating ideas needed to assure sustainability and new growth as they carve into the juggernauts once strong hold on a growing sport.I do see however an avenue that could assure Prince an edge with the current dilemma which it faces; but it also comes with a problem. The problem; the window of opportunity is based upon accepting an outside infusion of creativity by creating a major annual event. Doing so would create more than what they currently have because of the vendors and or bigger companies that would want to be invited or pay for a chance to main stream their idea and or company at the annual event.I would assume that a bigger opportunity would be created as the media and social media networks for t he rights to air the event. It is my personal belief that Prince has become a sloth, slow and predictable. Its advantageous growth was due to an influx of new consumers, Price’s timing and position made it the lead in a once slow and dwindling sport. Prince’s obvious and monolithic stance does not provide it the nimble agility that an aggressive and blood thirsty competitor has when trying to grasp a growing market share that can dwindle away just as fast as it came.

Analysis of Home Safety of the Elderly Living in City and Rural Areas

Analysis of Home Safety of the Elderly Living in City and Rural Areas 1. Absract Physiological changes and chronic diseases arising during aging process increase risk of accident of the elderly, especially the elderly living alone at their homes. Home accidents are the most commonly health problem in the elderly. This study was carried out to describe home safety of the elderly living in a city or rural area using a home safety checklist. 512 living in Turkey (330 in city; 182 in rural area) were evaluated via face-to-face interview using a home safety checklist during a period between December and March in 2007. In addition to sociodemographics, a questionnaire including home characteristics and life style of participants was applied. To describe home safety level, Home Safety Checklist was used. 2-Introduction Aging, which is a part of life and a nonrecoverable process. Developments in the field of tecnology,health and nutrition increasing life expectancy in the general population has led to an increased incidence of elderly population. Especially in industrialized countries, this increase is faster. The increase in elderly population by bringing with it social problems, particularly affecting the family structure of the elderly living alone is cause Depending on the time during the aging process in human organism, physical, physiological and psychological changes are emerging. Decrease with aging occur in the physical abilities, to continue their activities of daily living and home-related poses an obstacle to the execution of work. Physiological changes and the age of progress emerged due to chronic diseases, especially those living alone at home often face with the risk of accidents . An important part of the problems faced by the elderly home accidents constituted. Physiological changes and dementia as well as some chronic diseases, norooftalmalojik findings, progressive hearing loss, posture, balance and gait disturbances and sensory changes, has led to increased risk of accidents. The elderly, the most important preventive safety applications, one of the age-related physiological deficiency in developing corrective to troubleshoot instruments (hearing aid, glasses, etc.. ) Usage as a domestic accident may lead to removal of conditions must be determined. Therefore, in recent years in elderly home safety and home safety inspection and control increased the importance of the list. In this context, is widely used in the field of health inspection and control lists, and application tools are the most important ergonomic evaluation. 3-Explict Statemnet Of The Study Objective Including Operational Definition: This study used a home safety check list and the elderly living at home in our country, the security situation in the house and emerged with aging in terms of accident risks in order to examine the status of housing are planned. Sample Groups: Sample 1:The elderly who is living in the city Sample 2:The elderly who is living in the rural areas Variables: Age This variables;the elderly who is living in the city Gender and the rural areas used to investigate the Education demograhic datas. Marriage Status Occupational Status House type This variables; the elderly who is living in the city Private roomsand the rural areas was used to examine the status of Domestic Availabilitytheir home. Satisfaction: Financial Status: Living Arrengement: This variables;the elderly who is living in the city and the Leisure Activities rural areas was used to examine the their life style. Security Score p: is degree of freedom: In statistics, the number of degrees of freedom is the number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary 4-Methodology Section: This descriptive type of study,we selected 512 elder people with random sampling method. 30 of 512 elder person which we select in the city and 182 of 512 which we collect in the rurely areas among december to march 2007 in 7 geographical regions of Turkey in Denizli, Izmir, Ayd? n, Antalya, Mersin, Ankara, Konya, Istanbul, Diyarbakir, Trabzon, Sinop and Zonguldak provinces. In collection of data, as well as demographic information, household status and forms of life questionnaire stating where questions were administered. To determine the level of home security developed by the National Security Council, consisting of 65 questions, Home Security Checklist is used. National Security Council, the score at 1-7 in the perfect home for safety aspects, between 8-14 scores well; 15 and on the scores were assessed as dangerous. A questionnaire containing sociodemographic and National Security Council with the elderly living at home with the method to be verbatim comments will be reviewed their homes Pamukkale University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation was completed by senior students. Chi-square test was used for evaluating data. 5-Data Analysis Section Pearson's chi-square (? ) test is the best-known of several chi square test – statistical procedures whose results are evaluated by reference to the chi square distrubition. Its properties were first investigated by Karl Pearson. In contexts where it is important to make a distinction between the test statistic and its distribution, names similar to Pearson ? -squared test or statistic are used. It tests a null hypothesis stating that the frequency distrubition of certain events ob served in a sample is consistent with a particular theoretical distribution. The events considered must be mutually exclusive and have total probability 1. A common case for this is where the events each cover an outcome of a categorial variable. A simple example is the hypothesis that an ordinary six-sided dia is â€Å"fair†, i. e. , all six outcomes are equally likely to occur. Pearson's chi-square is the original and most widely-used chi-square test. Definition Pearson's chi-square is used to assess two types of comparison: tests of goodness of fit and tests of independence. A test of goodness of fit establishes whether or not an observed frequency distrubition differs from a theoretical distribution. A test of independence assesses whether paired observations on two variables, expressed in a contingency tables, are independent of each other – for example, whether people from different regions differ in the frequency with which they report that they support a political candidate. The first step in the chi-square test is to calculate the chi-square statistics. In order to avoid ambiguity, the value of the test-statistic is denoted by X2 rather than ? 2: this also serves as a reminder that the distribution of the test statistic is not exactly that of a chi-square random variable. However some authors do use the ? 2 notation for the test statistic. An exact test which does not rely on using the approximate ? 2 distribution is Fisher’s exact test ,this is significantly more accurate in evaluating the significance level of the test, especially with small numbers of observation. The chi-square statistic is calculated by finding the difference between each observed and theoretical frequency for each possible outcome, squaring them, dividing each by the theoretical frequency, and taking the sum of the results. A second important part of determining the test statistic is to define the degrees of freedom of the test: this is essentially the number of observed frequencies adjusted for the effect of using some of those observations to define the â€Å"theoretical frequencies†. Results: 11. 2% of the elderly living in the city , 14. 4% of the elderly living in rural areas whose age is 80 and over age in the range TABLE 1:Examination of demografic data for elderly people living in the city and in rural areas Variables | CITY | RURAL | | | | | |Age | | | |65-69 age | | | |70-79 age | | | |; 80 age | | | | | | | |Gender | | | | | n % | n % | | | | | | |171 51. 8 |78 42. 8 | | |122 36. 9 |78 42. | | |37 11. 2 |26 14. 3 | |Woman | 189 57. 3 |107 58. 8 | |Man |141 42. 7 |45 41. 2 | |EDUCATION | | | |Literacy does not know | 19. 1 19. 1 |61 33. | |Literate | | | |Primary School |37. 3 37. 3 |82 45. 1 | | |10. 3 10. 3 |9 4. 9 | |  Middle School |16. 7 16. 7 |16 8. 8 | | | | | |High school |9. 1 9. 1 |9 4. | |University |7. 6 7. 6 |5 2. 7 | |Marriage Status | | | |Single | 43 13 |18 9. 9 | |Married |249 75. 5 |150 82. 4 | | |38 11. 5 |14 7. | |  Divorced | | | |Occupational Status | | | | | | | |  Works |294 89 |154 84. 6 | | |36 11 |28 15. 4 | |Not working / Retired | | | TABLE 2: An analysis of the homes of elderly living in rural areas and in the city Variables | CITY | RURAL | | | | | | | |House type | | | | | | n % | n % | p | | | | | | |Detached | 128 36. 8 | 157 96. 3 | | | | | | | |  Apartment |202 61. 2 |25 13. 7 |0. 001 | | | | | | |Private rooms | | | | |Yes | 211 63. 9 |98 53. 8 | | |No |41 12. 4 |46 25. 3 | | |Have shared |78 33. 9 |38 20. 9 |0. 001 | |Domestic availability | | | | |Good | 218 66. 1 |106 58. | | |Bad |112 33. 9 |76 42. 7 |0. 05 | |Satisfaction | | | | |Satisfied | 233 71 |107 58. 8 | | | | | | | |  Not satisfied |97 29. 4 |75 41. 2 |0. 07 | | | | | | |Financial Situation | | | | |Self-sufficie nt | 257 77. 9 |109 59. 9 | | | | | | | |  Children looking |56 17 |52 28. 6 |0. 0001 | | |17 5. 1 |1 11. 5 | | |  Relatives looking | | | | Table 3 The examination of the life style of elderly living in rural areas and in the city |Variables | CITY | RURAL | | | | | | | |Living arrangement | | | | | | | | | |  Single | | | | | | | | |  With his wife | | | | | | | | | |  With relatives | | | | |Leisure activities | | | | | | n % | n % | p | | | | | | | | | | | | |59 17. 9 |30 16. 5 | | | | | |0. 5 | | |196 59. 4 |112 61. 5 | | | |75 22. 7 |40 22 | | | | | | | |  Participation is | 130 39. 4 | 48 26. 4 | | | |200 60. 6 |134 73. 4 |0. 03 | |  Accession No | | | | | | | | | |Security score | | | | |Excellent | 7 2. 1 | 0. 5 | | |  Ã‚  Well |76 23. 0 |27 14. 8 |0. 027 | |  Bad |247 74. 9 |154 84. 6 | | The information about situation of old peoples houses are presented in Table 2. About %59,4 percent of old people living in cities, and %61,5 percent of old people living in rural areas stated that they live with their husbands/wifes together. When results of Home Security and Control list are inspected; mean number of old people living in cities is 20. 61 ±8. 18, while mean number of old people living in rural areas is 25,16 ±9,59. About %74,9 percentage of houses of people living in cities are detected bad in security criterion, %23 are considered good and %2,1 are perfect. In rural areas however, %84,6 are detected bad, %14,8 are good and %0,5 are perfect. (Table 3) Debate: Every year, many old people get injured by an accident in their own houses, or near it. Most of injuries are caused by preventable dangers. Using house security and control list with regular periods, gives chance to value condition again, which leads possibility to make those dangers and risks obsolote. In our study, old people living in city and rural areas are found similiar by means of age and gender. This result shows that,HSCL results are not affected this two factors. Educational status of these two groups were examined, the higher the educational level of those living in cities and thus are better home security scores were observed. In our study, 86. 3% of those living in rural areas' reputation continued living in their houses   and 53. 8%of living in rural areas whose have a special room ,we have been identified. Proportion of people living in houses in the city (38. 8%) lower than those living in rural areas, although the cities have the people in the private room rate is higher (69. 9%). We think that it is significant to consider this situation, while arranging house by means of security. According to home safety checklist,reaching domestic usability for both elderly groups have similiar charecteristics,the average score was not effective on. However, a higher proportion of elderly living in rural areas in the (41. 2%) stated that they are not satisfied with our home security-related problems that indicate a large size. 40. 1% of those living in rural areas in need of financial support to someone else, in protection from danger at home to prevent the necessary ergonomic regulations is an important financial problem. In our study, we have control in the city (74. 9%) and of the houses in rural areas (84. %) a large proportion of unsafe and risky as to fall hazard was observed. For those living in the city, to live in the apartment, the financial situation is good to be home and satisfied with the condition are important factors in domestic security. For old people li ving in rural areas however, having poor education, living in a private house and being financially dependent raises the security score, and leads danger for security of people. Our results are also compatible with literature The surver used in our study, includes the different characteristics of house and different activities made in house, which allows to evaluate and be prepared against accident risks under each sub-topic. For old people living in rural areas however, having poor education, living in a private house and being financially dependent raises the security score, and leads danger for security of people. Our results are also compatible with literature . The surver used in our study, includes the different characteristics of house and different activities made in house, which allows to evaluate and be prepared against accident risks under each sub-topic. (1,2) %74. 9 percent of people living in cities and %86 percent of people living in rural areas have bad security score, which shows they are unprotected agains various accidents and falls. Those risks are similiar, both for old people living in apartments and private houses. Of each chapter house in terms of accident risk assessment and risk profile will reveal its relation with problems which occur with aging also are thought to be investigated. Moreover, determining the injury accident record form is important for audit and control systems. In light of all these records and data will be at home with ergonomic regulations reduce the risk of accidents increasing aging, the elderly and more healthy life with a higher level of quality of life can continue to take appropriate measures are required. 6-Ethical Consideration and Limitations: While we are doing a research on the elderly to learn their life,we respect their private life. So, we take care of shouldn’t be revealed their names and other personel information. 7-Research Results and Recommendations: In line with the results of our study, home security, the importance of quality of life is emphasized once again. Ergonomic and architectural creation of suitable habitat many risk eliminating the factors, will reduce the risk of injury. In this context, the health staff by producing a joint project with the architects of the houses in the community who live a healthy life, suitable for all individuals, especially the elderly are thought to be present. Also in this issue of local government, civil society organizations and government to develop policies and strategic plans are required. 8-Reference: www. korhek. org http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pearson's_chi-square_test

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Marketing information systems

E-commerce made its first major impact by registering on the economic horizon in 1998. In that year, Amazon made $1 billion.   In an article in The Economist on the 19th of August 2006, is credited as being the pioneer in teaching the world how to shop online. Today, Amazon’s product range is anything from travel (the biggest seller), to computer equipment and software to cars, clothing and home furnishings in that order of magnitude. Technology (by way of one-click shopping) has been of great assistance in collecting data based on buyer preferences and past buying behavior. Search boxes, pre-ordering capability are some of the ways Amazon collects customer information. Information gathered includes birthdays, interests, wish lists, location and past purchases. Good marketing information systems reward online behavior with rewards that make customers feel pampered. They also give great user experience and evolve with customer needs. Amazon has just added â€Å"Search Suggestions† as another way of gathering information by requesting customers, authors and sellers to make recommendations that they feel are linked to search keywords. This should result in the company building up a comprehensive database for gaining and retaining customer loyalty. This information is used mainly to cultivate buyer loyalty. A typical example is the Amazon practice of tempting shoppers by making recommendations based on what others who have bought the same product bought also and based on the buyer’s previous shopping style. After gathering the necessary information, Amazon also makes buying from them attractive with such enticements like extensive selection, free shipping and excellent customer service (you actually get to speak with a real person within seconds if you use the click-to-call button and provide your telephone number). Bottom of Form Top of Form REFERENCES â€Å"Click to download –†, The Economist (US), August 19, 2006. Volume 380, Issue 8491, p 58. Fernando, Angelo, â€Å"Why punish, when you can reward? Online or off-line, there are simple steps you can take to make your customers feel valued†, Communication World, Sept-Oct 2006, Volume 23, Issue 5, p14-15.   

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Organisation on learning Essay

Background: Previous research suggests that the organisation of information is integral to its storage in and recall from memory. Aim: Differences with regard to the use of categorisation of information have been observed between cultures and age groups, so the aim is to find out the degree to which categorisation affects the learning of information in 16-18 year olds. Method: 20 participants aged 16-18 had 60 seconds to learn as many words as they could from a grid containing 24 words. The grid contained 6 words in 4 different semantic categories and was either categorised (control) or randomised (experimental). Participants then recalled as many of the words as they could. The amount of words that they recalled was observed. Results: The difference in the number of words remembered between the two conditions was found to be insignificant when put to the independent t-test and tested at the 0.05 level. In fact, participants in Condition B (randomised) recalled more words on average than those in Condition A (organised). However, participants in Condition B showed 68.83% categorisation upon recall, compared with 0.5% that would have been shown if participants recalled the words in the order that they appeared on the radomised grid. Conclusion: The results suggest that the degree of organisation of information upon presentation does not affect the amount of information remembered. However, the actual process of mentally organising the information may be a significant factor in the amount of information remembered. Individual differences may affect the way the information is organised, but this study found that categorical organisation was the most common form of this. Introduction Much evidence suggests that information in memory is highly organised, and that we remember large amounts of information by associating it with other similar pieces of information already stored. It may even be that the organisation of information is a prerequisite for information to be stored; for example, Mandler (1967) stated that memory and organization are not only correlated, but organization is a necessary condition for memory. From this viewpoint, it follows that, by definition, any information stored in the memory must be organised somehow. It may also be that the organisation of information upon presentation facilitates its storage, and that if information is not organised, people will attempt to create their own methods of organisation (Tulving, 1968). Categorical clustering is a term coined by Bousfield (1953) in order to describe one type of organisation in learning. In his research, he presented participants with a list of 60 words (15 from 4 different categories: animals, anthroponyms, professions and vegetables) and asked participants to free-recall the list. He found that, despite not having been told what the categories were, participants tended to recall the words according to their category and thus demonstrated the phenomenon. Bower et al. (1969) presented participants with words which were arranged into conceptual hierarchies. For one group, these were arranged in hierarchical form, and for the other they were listed randomly. The participants who were presented with the words in hierarchical form recalled almost 31/2 times as many words as those to whom they were presented randomly, suggesting that the organisation of the words upon presentation facilitated their storage in memory. A similar trait has also been observed with naturally occurring stimuli. Rubin and Olson (1980) asked students to recall the names of as many members of staff in their school as they could, and found that students showed a strong tendency for the members of staff’s names to be recalled by their respective departments. This also shows evidence for categorical organisation. They further found that students who re-arranged word cards into more categories remembered more words on average than those who created less categories, and that those who were not told to actively remember the words, instead just sort them, remembered the same amount as those asked to remember them. These indicate that not only does categorisation increase the amount of information remembered, but the active process of organisation may even cause the information to be remembered. More support that organisation and learning are intertwined comes from Kahana and Wingfield (2000), who found that the relation between organisation and learning remained the same even after significant differences between participants’ mnemonic abilities had been taken into account.  One case study which suggests that memory is highly organised comes from Hart et al. (1985). Having almost made a complete recovery from a stroke two years previously, M.D. experienced no problems except that he was unable to name different types of fruit and vegetable or sort them into categories. However, he was able to name and sort types of food, for example, and vehicles, which suggests that his inability to carry out these tasks was limited to specific semantic categories. Aims The findings of this previous research suggest that organisation does play a large role in the storage, structuring and restructuring of information in memory. However, organisation does not necessarily imply categorisation, which is what will be tested here. Also, in a similar way that Gutchess et al. (2006) found that age and culture affected the way in which categorisation was used in memory, it may be that young people in turn use it differently. So, the following experiment aims to investigate the effects of organisation on learning in 16-18 year-olds. More specifically, it will investigate the degree to which organisation of information upon presentation affects the storage and recall of words presented in a randomised grid. Following on from research by Bower et al. (1969) and Rubin and Olson (1980), two hypotheses have been drawn:  Experimental hypothesis  Participants will recall, on average, fewer words when the words given are listed randomly, than will the participants for whom the words are listed categorically.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Emarketing Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Emarketing Models - Essay Example There are several models available when we consider the area of e-marketing in a broader perspective. Each model can be more applicable to different business types and are designed to provide a company with the tools to support the essential elements of marketing, price, promotion, product and place.But only few of these models come into the picture when we consider a particular company or organization Two of the models which we are discussing here are Brokerage Model and Advertising Model. Before venturing out the idea of they supporting the 4Ps. Lets give a brief idea about each one of them. Brokerage model main idea revolves around Brokers who are also called as market makers. Their role is to bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions. The major areas where they play a role are business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), or consumer-to-consumer (C2C) markets. Usually a broker charges a fee or commission for each transaction it enables. Some of the areas which are part of brokerage model are Market Place exchange, Buy/Sell Fulfillment, Demand Collection System, Auction Broker, Transaction Broker, Distributor, Search Agent and Virtual Market Place.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Mexico economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Mexico economy - Essay Example Though the authorities and citizens believed these new changes would eliminate graft, instead they fuelled and provided new avenues for corrupt activities. Democracy gave rise to selfish and power hungry individuals that hold powerful political positions. Ironically, economic reforms such as privatization of the companies enhanced graft instead of improving the economy. Furthermore, the massive trading activities in the country in the early millennium resulted in huge embezzlement of public funds. The corruption index currently shows that 27.2 percent of Mexicans are corrupt. Analysis: No sector of the Mexican economy is untouched by corrupt activities. Consequently, a fifth of wealthy businessmen claim corruption is the primary obstacle that hinder their investment activities in the country. Additionally, the poverty level is high since Mexicans have a tendency of paying bribes even for essential services such as water supply. As a result, a quarter of the country’s total income is spent on corrupt activities. The Economist. "Corruption in Latin America." The Economist. 14 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015. The Economist. "Corruption in Latin America." The Economist. 14 Mar. 2015. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Protecting Online Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Protecting Online Privacy - Essay Example And they should take care to protect it from spreading discriminately online. Protecting their privacy online will ensure that they are not leaving their personal information open to abuse (Australian Government). In an open environment any one can have a taste of the matter. The people have a general right to be granted access to the personal information that organizations and agencies hold about them (Australian Government). But such persons are less aware of the fact that their information may be used for the various purposes including the resource to earn money by scammers, spammers or phishers etc.. To avoid discrimination people should know their right. They have diversity of sources to know about their right to protect their personal information, which they have supplied to a range of companies for countless reasons. The more a person knows about his/her rights, the easier it will be for him/her to safeguard his/her privacy (Australian Government). But they are less aware that the companies have taken their consent in their agreement section that their information may be used for their business purposes. Most of them are even not aware what they have signed for. Many credit agencies have gathered information from other agency for handsome amount without the consent of the customer and sold them for their commercial use. There are instances where people don't know about their right and importance of their privacy. They commit such a nuisance that they defame their personal image. For example, the persons, specially crazy girls and even curious women who are interested in publishing their personal information including photograph on internet on free hosting websites, are not aware of the fact that their identity is revealed to the world and they may fall a prey to the world of the prohibited by pornographers. Their ignorance can easily give opportunities, putting themselves in various troubles, to them to earn handsome money out of their clandestine materials. Several examples can be sited to show that the delicate information provided on Internet can make such a big harm to the people that they may even take their life as the compensation of the fault. In early September, a web developer took an apparently real advertisement placed online by a woman looking for a sexual liaison and posted it on the Seattle "casual encounters" section of the Craigslist bulletin board, according to press reports. There were 178 responses to the phony sexual solicitation, many of which included compromising photos. The developer then posted all the responses on a public website, including photos, email addresses and other personal information -- where anyone could view them. (Wharton). Another case of taking the advantage of using the personal matter for the use of Internet shows the wild nature of misuse of the information. A young woman in Seoul was on a subway train with her pet dog when the animal relieved itself on the floor. The woman did not clean up the mess, angering other riders, and the woman herself reportedly became surly as tensions escalated. Using a camera phone -- at 99%, South Korea has the highest camera-phone penetration in the